Announcement of Establishment of Neutone Inc.

neutone inc

Qosmo, Inc., who advance human creativity with the help of AI, have established a new company called Neutone Inc. with the purpose of developing and providing a new approach to synthesis and audio effects using AI. Neutone will begin by creating new forms of musical expression and music genres of the 21st century by developing innovative "instruments" using the latest AI technology, in collaboration with artists .



Qosmo has been developing and providing free-of-charge the ‘Neutone Plugin’, an audio plugin for DAWs that runs real-time DSP models using deep learning since May 2022.

Neutone Plugin_EN

Neutone Plugin

Neutone has made it possible to introduce AI technology into the creative process, which was previously inaccessible, by providing the latest AI models in the form of a versatile plugin. This platform allows easy sharing of newly developed AI models with many artists. The plugin is also a valuable resource for researchers and engineers involved in AI development that want to prototype and/or distribute their creations to the artist community. Now, more than 1,000 community members have joined the Neutone platform. Numerous models, including real-time timbre conversion (e.g. converting voice into violin sound) and source separation (e.g. isolating only the drums from a song), have been published and shared so far. To date, Neutone’s AI models have been used over 46,000 times since the plugin’s initial release. In addition, live performances using Neutone have been presented at world renowned festivals such as MUTEK and Sónar.

BIGYUKI featuring Neutone_EN

BIGYUKI featuring Neutone (Craft Alive 2022)

Albert Barqué-Duran_EN

Albert Barqué-Duran — Slowly Fading into Data

Emergent Rhythm_EN

Nao Tokui — Emergent Rhythm (MUTEK Japan 2022)

Amid the buzz surrounding the technological innovation of so-called generative AI, there is a current situation where economic benefits and technical discussions take precedence, and a lack of perspective from the standpoint of artists and creators who significantly influence and shape world culture. Neutone (and Qosmo) aim to utilize generative AI technologies while prioritizing a worldview that revolves around artists and creators, supporting the expression of their musical creativity through AI technology. Neutone Inc was founded with the purpose of expanding the community that shares their vision, accelerate the development of AI models, and to speed up product development of next generation tools for artists.

Neutone Inc plan to expand their services within the year, including support for training customized AI models for individual artists and offering paid plans. Stay tuned for future developments.

■ Neutone Inc. Website:  Neutone project website:

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